Friday, February 16, 2007

Supreme Court Hears Arguments on Permanent Impairment Instruction

Mike Krauser and I just completed oral arguments in the case of Reece v. Nationwide, before the Kentucky Supreme Court. Although there were several issues presented, the central issue was whether Nationwide was entitled to a directed verdict on Reece's claim of permanent impairment. Michael Stevens has posted a summary of the issues identified by the SCOKY at the Kentucky Injury Law Journal with links to the submitted briefs. Michael describes The Kentucky Law Journal as an, "[o]n-line legal journal for the Kentucky trial lawyer addressing cases and developments in torts, insurance, civil procedure, and trial practice."

I was fortunate enough to talk to Michael about the oral arguments, including my thoughts and opinions on the outcome. He was kind enough to listen. We hope to follow this case to its final decision. Look to both the Kentucky Tort and Insurance Law Blog and the Kentucky Injury Law Journal for further analysis and thoughts. Given my participation, I will reserve my comments until the opinion is issued. Michael, however, is under no such constraint. I hope to post some of my comments on Michael's blog and offer that he do the same here. I have added Michael's new blog to my links for easier access.

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